Biographie des Trios |
Biography of the Trio in english JESS-TRIO-WIEN Johannes (Klavier), Elisabeth (Violine) und Stefan (Cello) Jess-Kropfitsch
Die musikalische Laufbahn der Künstler ist außergewöhnlich: Schon beim österreichischen Bundeswettbewerb gewinnen sie erste Preise im Solo, Duo und Trio. Internationale Wettbewerbssiege folgen: Goldmedaille des "Concorso Viotti", erste Preise im internationalen Wettbewerb "Città di Senigallia", "Dr. Karl Böhm Preis" der Wiener Philharmoniker, "Prix Alex de Vries", "Internationaler Bösendorfer Wettbewerb" u.a.
Ihre internationale Konzerttätigkeit beginnt bereits im jugendlichen Alter (siehe "Internationale Konzerttätigkeit "). Schon während ihrer Ausbildung interessierten sie sich für pädagogische Belange und wirkten als Assistenten an der Wiener Musikhochschule bei den Professoren Hans Graf, Eduard Melkus und Wolfgang Herzer mit.
The musical career of the trio has been extraordinary. Already at the Austrian Federal Competition they gained first prizes in the Soloist, Duo and Trio classes. They also won prizes in international competitions as the following: The gold medal in the "Viotti" competition, The first prize in the "Città di Senigallia" competition, the Dr. Karl - Böhm - prize of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra a.o. They gained their school leaving certificates with distinction and finished their instrumental studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna with distinction again. They play their first international concerts at young age( see the next point International concerts). While studying they already show interest in pedagogic work, work as assistant teachers at the University of Music and Performing Arts and are now teachers at the best known Austrian music institutions: Dr. Johannes Kropfitsch teaches a piano class both for Bachelor and Master Students at Konservatorium Wien University. Mag. Elisabeth Kropfitsch teaches a violin class at the Joseph Haydn Konservatorium Eisenstadt (in cooperation with the Hochschule für Musik in Bratislava) and as well teaches at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna (at the Joseph Haydn Institute for chamber music and special ensembles). Mag. Stefan Kropfitsch is a.o. Univ. Prof. at the Wiener Musikuniversität and teaches his own cello class there. He as well is head of department of the institute no. 5 for string instruments at the Wiener Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst. The trio records numerous CDs with EMI and RONDO. The strings of the Jess-Trio-Wien pay greatest attention to the tonal beauty of their instruments. Their recordings and concerts are performed on instruments made by Guarneri del Gesu, Antonio Stradivari, Giambattista Guadagnini and Hieronymus Amati. Elisabeth Jess-Kropfitsch plays on her own violin „d’Elia“ made 1751 by Giambattista Guadagnini, Stefan Jess-Kropfitsch is now playing on his own cello built 1620 by Hieronymus Amati. The trio's development has been documented in the book "JESS ZUR MUSIK - Von den Anfängen bis zum 1.000. Konzert", published by the Niederösterreichisches Pressehaus. On Oct. 26th, 1995 the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published a review of a Jess-Trio-Wien concert entitled "Three Artists - One Event". |